Phase 4: Sustaining Results
To ensure gains stick, we instill high-performance practices in your culture

To insure successful implementation of all strategies and to assist leaders with integration of new practices into their work teams, Stamp & Chase will dedicate time onsite each month to work alongside health system leaders. This in-the-trenches coaching and support will be focused on sustainability of results and includes:
- Regular attendance at each hospital’s monthly management meeting (schedule to be planned during implementation)
- One-on-one coaching with frontline managers, focusing on those departments where results are not meeting goals
- Regular meetings with entity senior management to insure achievement of agreed upon goals, plan progress, and to address specific concerns
- Rounding with senior leaders and middle managers to insure consistency and effectiveness of approach
Consistent deployment of the MyTEAM® management tools and approaches designed to drive higher performance and instill a positive, constructive culture across the work team.
For help with your organization’s change management and leadership team training, contact us or call 314-299-9373 for a free consultation.