Our eBooks and LeaderBriefings provide practical advice and strategies to solve healthcare’s most vexing problems
Why the tough job of the middle manager is getting harder every day – and what healthcare organizations can do to change that.
Whether employees stay or stray depends on multiple factors. None is more important than their relationship with their boss.
COVID-19 has challenged the healthcare system like never before. Now, the hard work really begins: reengaging an exhausted workforce.
With COVID-19 shaking the foundation of healthcare, burnout must be a high-priority issue for the industry.
Senior living facilities attract applicants at rates well above most industries. Now, key to growth is finding ways to keep them from leaving.
Why changing the way we think about care coordination and communication across the continuum is essential to improve outcomes.
Leading companies in many industries are scrapping annual performance appraisals in favor of real-time feedback and development. It’s time for healthcare to follow suit.
Developed over 30 years ago, the widely-used S.M.A.R.T. goals model has helped thousands of organizations write more effective goals. But what about implementation? Our smarter S.M.A.R.T. goals approach focuses on how to use goals to change behavior and drive higher performance in healthcare organizations.
This LeaderBriefing from Stamp & Chase explores the application of stakeholder theory to health care provider organizations in light of the move to population health and the need for even higher levels of patient and employee engagement. While the importance and involvement of multiple constituencies is still relevant, there is compelling research and rationale for moving nurses to the top of a health care provider organization’s stakeholder priority list to improve care effectiveness and efficiency.
The Healing Art of Communication
The Healing Art Of Communication has been recognized by health care professionals as a valuable resource for front-line associates and managers alike. A leading nurse educator writes, “Quality health care is not possible without quality communications between health care professionals, patients, and families. The Healing Art of Communication takes us back to the roots, the basics. It offers insights, concrete examples, and advice on how to get the care back into health care. This book can help you gain the skill to disagree with everyone and offend no one!”