Day: October 8, 2020

Healthcare Employee Burnout

Why staff on the frontlines need more – and different – support from leadership now

Overwhelmed. Exhausted. On-edge. Discouraged. As frontline staff’s emotions and state-of-mind have changed during the pandemic, healthcare leadership strategies to better support staff should change and adapt, too. For staff on the frontlines, the public’s feelings of restlessness, economic uncertainty, frustration, and anger exacerbate their stress. This contributes to burnout. For leaders, acknowledging that your employees are being verbally abused by some of your customers is the first critical step in better supporting them. Because what they are experiencing has changed, healthcare leadership strategies to support them have to change. Following are five healthcare leadership strategies managers can adopt to better support the “heroes” who are, in many ways, becoming the frontline victims of the frustrated public they are trying to serve. Talk openly and frequently

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