Day: August 19, 2024

Six ways leaders show they care about work-life balance

“I’m not cancelling my gym session to attend your pre-work meeting.”    Not surprisingly, this recent LinkedIn post from Stephanie Brown of Creative Career Lab was met with polarizing responses. Feedback ranged from “Couldn’t agree more!” and “Love this!” to “Nope!” and “Balance doesn’t mean selfishness and inflexibility.”  The desire for a healthy work-life balance has become one of the rallying cries for younger generations.  And while this has been met to some degree with headshaking and questioning of work ethics and laziness, the truth is, something needed to change.   Due to their intrinsic interconnection, the ability to achieve a true “harmonious equilibrium” may be a misconception, as highlighted in a recent Forbes article.1   However, a shift in the way organizational culture supports overall employee well-being

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